We are surely appreciative of the car God has blessed us with to be able to get from A to B....recently, God has been helping us be more grateful for it.
Thursday, last week, I left work at 5pm, and had a random panic thought that the car might not start and I could be in trouble since my phone is currently not working- i can receive calls but the screen is blank.
I got in to the car, turned the key, and....nothing. I tried again...even more nothing. I pulled my phone out, thinking maybe i could figure out how to call Daryl since he was the last person to call me...and he happened to be calling me at that moment...and one of my supervisors happened to be driving by and gave me a ride home.
I'm not sure what other things could have gone wrong with trying to get the car started(my poor parents). We asked dad if he wouldn't mind bringing his van to jumpstart us in my work parking lot. He brought us over there in the van, pulled the lever to open the hood to get ready to jump our car and before he could open it, the lever broke. I might mention at this point that it was double digits below zero outside.
Our next thought was to plug the car in so that it could charge overnight. The electrical cord was unfortunately, not long enough to reach from the car to an outlet inside the Emergency door at my office. We tried pushing the car, but being that we were pushing mostly uphill, we gave that up and used the van to bump-push the car closer. By the time we got there, we started realizing that we couldn't leave the car plugged in because the E-door couldn't be shut all the way with the electric cord running through it.
We were beginning to run out of ideas and body heat, so the next thought was to use the tow rope to pull the car home with the van. Needless to say, it is illegal. But when its super cold, you figure cops have better things to mess with. We slowly pulled it home, Daryl steering it, on the icy roads through 4 stop lights.
The next day, the temperatures even lower than before, the car wouldn't start. That afternoon, Dad arrived his other car(the van was in the shop getting the lever fixed) to try to jump start us. During the course of running his car to start ours, smoke started coming out of his car....so he decided to quick take it over to the shop. While he was at the shop, he managed to lock his keys in the car while it was running, so he called us to see if we could go get the spare key. We had no vehicle, as ours was still not running, but fortunately, a neighbor boy happened to be home next door, who let us borrow his car. When Daryl got to my parents house, he didn't have a key to get in, so he had to get the spare key, which was in a little plastic box, which was frozen shut. He and mom spent a fair bit of time trying to open it and ended up smashing it to get it open.
Our car finally started with a second attempt from dad jumpstarting it on day three. We are at this time, very grateful to have a running car and grateful that God shows His faithfulness through circumstances like this, regardless of how frustrating.